Micro connecteurs EMM - Au pas de 1.27mm - MIL-DTL-83513

Micro connecteurs EMM - Au pas de 1.27mm - MIL-DTL-83513

With its 1.27mm pitch, it achieves more than 40% space reduction compared to its parent CMM or 20% compared to standard Micro-D. Designed to meet the performance requirements of MIL 83513, it integrates key features such as reversed contacts, integrated 90° back protection and interchangeable hardware.

Suited to both board to board (thanks to its secure wiping length), and board to wire (from gauge 24 to gauge 30) configurations, EMM will provide extreme modularity with any pin selection available from 04 to 60 signal contacts. Cable versions can be cabled at Nicomatic or you can crimp them by yourself: it is up to you.

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EMM self declaration of conformity
EMM PR with Amphenol
EMM Catalog
Railway Self Declaration according to EN45545.
Energy Application
Defense Application